It’s hard not to compare Wizard101 and Pirate101. Both games are great, but Wizard101 definitely has a few elements that I’d love incorporated into Pirate101. Here are my top 5 Wizard101 things that I want to see in Pirate101.
- Quest Finder. Quest Finder is such a life saver in Wizard101! I’ll admit I’m a total completionist, so having Quest Finder would be extremely helpful in finding all of the hidden side quests. All exclamation points MUST disappear! Muahahaha!
- Member Benefits. There’s been a lot of talk regarding what will keep people playing Pirate101, and member benefits certainly wouldn’t hurt. If the rewards were good enough, they might even encourage people to keep memberships longer than they otherwise would have. Some member benefits I’d love to see are: Reduced Bed Rest Time, Double Nautical XP, and Double Pet XP. Long bed rest time and under-powered ships are always complained about, so these types of benefits may help ease that frustration and help Pirate101 in the long run.
- Team-Up Kiosk. Pirate101 doesn’t have as big of a fanbase as Wizard101 does, so pirates who are stuck may have trouble finding help when they need it. A Team-Up Kiosk would not only give max level pirates something to do when they complete the game, but it would also offer struggling pirates some needed assistance.
- PvP Tournaments. When pirates reach max level, they look to side content to keep them busy. While practice and ranked PvP certainly can do that, I find PvP tournaments to be much more competitive and fun. Throw in some tournament rewards and people will be PvPing like crazy in no time.
- Some other side activity. Like I mentioned earlier, I think a big problem Pirate101 is facing right now is keeping players paying and playing. An additional side activity like crafting, gardening, or something new entirely, could help minimize end game boredom.
And there you have it! 5 things that I’d love to see in Pirate101. Have any ideas that I missed? Let me know in the comments below.