Mind Over Ability: Removes Morale


Welcome to the next portion of the derby post series “Mind Over Ability.” Morale is your lifeline in a derby race, so using morale removing talents can be very advantageous.

The morale removing derby abilities consist of the following:

  • Big Drain
  • Big Exhaust
  • Deplete
  • Drain
  • Exhaust
  • Exhausted
  • Mega-Deplete
  • Siphon
  • Siphonizer

Why might these abilities be useful? Think of morale as your pet’s energy source in a derby race. The more you have, the faster you’ll go. Just as their name implies, morale removing abilities take away your opponent’s morale. When you deplete your opponent’s energy, they’ll have less morale to work with and therefore will run out far quicker than you will. This can give you an opportunity to pass them and stay ahead of the pack.


Morale removing ability tips:

  • Use it right away. Start off with a bang and use your ability as soon as the race starts. This can potentially cripple your enemies right from the get-go.
  • Generally, use it whenever you can. Aside from a few specific instances, it’s good to use this type of ability as often as you can. The more you use it, the more your opponent suffers. Mwuhahaha!
  • Be aware of where the stars are. Stars grant immunity and will protect your opponent from any of your abilities. Because of this, be sure to use your ability at a spot on the track where there are no stars. If you don’t plan correctly, you could waste your ability.
  • For ultimate destruction, use it right after a charge. Charge abilities supply racers with more morale. If you know that one of your opponents has an ability like this, save yours for after they use it. The two abilities will cancel each other out and your opponent will be right back where they started!


Using these 4 guidelines, any racer can use morale removing abilities to their advantage. Stay tuned for future tips on different types of racing abilities!

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