The Most Evil Of Them All

When you think of evil I bet you think of Malistaire, Morganthe, Old Cob, or maybe even Shane Von Shane. But, what if I told you that there was someone even more evil and powerful than any of those enemies?

Do you remember this guy?


Exploding Ember


1,320 Health

Although his official name is Exploding Ember, I like to call him D.I.D. (Death In Disguise).

About D.I.D.

D.I.D. is located in Briskbreeze Tower, a gauntlet only wizards level 50+ are allowed to enter. He is a “minion” to Angrus Hollowsoul who appears on the fourth round of battle. However, I don’t think D.I.D. is truly the minion here. I think D.I.D. is the evil mastermind.

Why D.I.D. is the most Evil, Powerful, and Sneaky Mastermind

  • He Lurks. He doesn’t show himself right away, he hides in the shadows, just waiting for his moment. He has mastered the element of surprise and you will pay dearly for it.
  • He watches your every move. When D.I.D. finally confronts you, he sits idle for a round, inspecting you and carefully plotting your demise.
  • He creates a sense of harmlessness. Only 1,320 health right, what kind of challenge will this be? <– Your last words.
  • He is the master of suspense. D.I.D. will pass for 3 rounds straight. Those 3 rounds leave wizards wondering what he’s waiting for and what he’s really planning.
  • He packs a punch. D.I.D. is the ONLY enemy in the entire game that uses a spell that can kill any and all wizards in one single hit with no buffs. (As far as I know.) On the 4th round of play, D.I.D. will surprise everyone and cast a 10,000 damage Meteor Strike!


When Briskbreeze Tower came out in 2009, the max level was 50, and this was by far one of the hardest instances in the game. It’s easy to see why D.I.D. was a threat then, but what about now? Well, 6 years after the debut of this tower, I can confirm that D.I.D. is still very much a threat.

The Experiment

To see D.I.D.’s true power with my own eyes, I took my level 100 myth wizard into Briskbreeze Tower. My myth wizard is equipped with full Darkmoor gear, Gladiator’s ring,  Morganthe’s amulet, the Terror’s Hoard Pack wand, and a pip deck. This is my normal gear and I didn’t change anything special for this battle. My full health is 4,914.


Did all that fancy stuff save me? Of course not because D.I.D. is a supreme evil and powerful mastermind. The final hit did a whopping 6,836…. enough to still take me out in one hit!


A level 100 wizard of a different school and more resist could possibly survive D.I.D.’s hit. However, you wouldn’t be able to survive the second hit!

D.I.D. Keeps Coming!

Being the genius that he is, D.I.D. knows how to replicate himself. So even if you survive the first hit, the next one will take you out for sure!


Stealthy, powerful, and makes assurances? Seems to me like Angrus is really the “minion puppet” after all!

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